Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Where Have We Been????

Well it has been a while since our last entry and I thought everyone could use a quick update. My sister gently reminded me that I haven't posted any pictures in about a month or so. I apologize for the delay. Bennett is a full time job and we are loving every moment. We are just trying to take it all in because he is growing up so fast. He is four months old and we have his well baby check-up on Friday. Graham and I are very excited to see how much he has grown. He has also started teething. No tooth yet but our pediatrician said he is symptomatic of teething and he should be getting his first tooth soon. Bennett is chewing on anything and everything especially my hands, arm or shoulder. Bennett's newest milestone is he is trying to sit up unassisted. He can sit up for a several seconds before starting to fall forward. When he does fall forward he usually giggles and then tries to push himself back up.

Bennett 4 months old

Bennett in his new jumper. He loves this new toy.

Graham and I went to the Indy 500 and had a blast. This was the first time we left Bennett with a sitter. I use the term sitter lightly since he was with his Aunts, Uncle and Cousin. Amy sent me several text messages throughout the day with updates on Bennett. One of my favorite updates was that Sydney (Bennett's cousin) is giving Bennett a foot massage. By the way, those of you who don't know Sydney, she is two and half and frequently requests back rubs or foot massages. The other cute message was that Sydney likes to hold Bennett's hand when riding next to him in his car seat.

Bennett relaxing with his new shades and hat.

We have been taking advantage of the great city that we live in. We took Bennett to his first minor league baseball game. Baseball games are one of our favorite summer pastimes. We went to four Cincinnati Reds games last summer and anytime we are in a different state we always try to get tickets for a game. Graham and I would like to visit all the major league baseball parks at some point. But in the meantime, Indy has an amazing minor league baseball field. We packed a picnic dinner and watched the game from the outfield lawn. The weather was perfect and we couldn't have asked for a better evening.
The three of us at Victory Field enjoying the weather, friends and baseball

Last weekend we took Bennett to the Indy Zoo. This was his second trip, but this was our first trip as a family. Graham was so excited to take Bennett that we ended up buying a membership so we can be frequent visitors. Bennett loved the fish exhibit. The fish were brightly colored and swam so fast that they really got Bennett's attention.

Not a picture of Bennett at the Zoo (my camera ran out of batteries) but a picture from later that afternoon. Let's just say we were waking him up because he smelled like the zoo.

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