Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pickin' Pumpkins

Pickin' Pumpkins For Our Little Pumpkin

Family picture outside Stoney Creek Farms.

The hayride to the pumpkin patch. Bennett was thinking how can I get this hay in my mouth.

I want this one... It's almost as big as me!!!!
Bennett enjoyed playing with the pumpkins.

Bennett really enjoyed the large and heavy pumpkins. He could stand behind them and giggle.

Bennett and Daddy off to find the perfect pumpkin. I love their smiles in this picture.

Bennett picked out a smaller pumpkin for himself and then selected two other tiny pumpkins for Bailey and Bauer.

Bennett helping Mommy pick out a pumpkin.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

how fun! LOVE family pumpkin time! and btw he is hte most adorable in that hat and jacket- brings back such memories! love it!