Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Here are a few pictures from Bennett's First Thanksgiving. Although Bennett slept through the Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, we luckily had a thanksgiving leftover get together on Saturday with the Peelle family. He enjoyed some turkey, sweet potatoes, stuffing and pumpkin pie. Grandma Peelle even spoiled Bennett with a few bites of ice cream.

Bennett enjoying some vanilla ice cream with Grandma

Some of the Peelle family and all of the food! We don't get to see the Peelle side very often so it was great that we were able to get together and enjoy Thanksgiving leftovers with them. Seeing everyone interact with Bennett, reminded us how thankful we are to have such wonderful family and friends.

Bennett is enjoying his dinner (playing with it). Typically if the food is messy Graham or I fed him. He does really well with finger food, so we thought it would be fun to see if he could spoon-fed himself. I don't think much ended up in his belly but rather on his face, belly and tray!

Thanksgiving weekend was busy with family and friends. On Sunday we lounged around the house in our pjs. Every now and then you need those lazy days. Above is a picture of Bennett and Bailey. These two are best buddies. Now that Bennett is crawling (forward) he is constantly trying to pet Bailey.
We also took advantage of the extra time together and the three of us had family pictures taken. Here are a couple pics, the rest you will receive in the mail as our Christmas Card.

Picture of Bennett with his two bottom teeth.

Bennett is changing every day! I can't believe he will be 10-months old in a few days. He keeps us busy, but every moment with him is amazing. He is crawling forward and pulling up to stand. He is also "talking." His first word was "Hi." Occasionally, he will say "Mama" and "Dada," but they aren't always used in proper context. We are looking forward to the holidays and celebrating Bennett's First Christmas. Time goes way too fast and we are trying to savor each day and enjoy every moment to it's fullest. Even the screams and cries!

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