Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Inaugural Post

We decide to start a blog to keep family and friends updated on the latest happenings at the Peelle household. Although the blog was created months ago, I have finally decided to make a post.
Pregnancy Update
I have just entered the third and final trimester of my pregnancy and we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Baby Peelle. I am just a bit over 28 weeks pregnant and I am feeling great. Everything is normal and baby and belly are growing like crazy. No complaints now that the six months of nausea and vomiting are over with. I am sure it will all be worth it in the end. We have selected a name for the baby but have decided to keep the name a secret until he arrives. Feel free to start guessing. If you do get it right, we will let you know.
Baby Peelle’s Nursery Update
Graham and I have been working very hard on Baby Peelle’s Nursery. The walls have been painted a smoke blue. I always think I enjoy painting but once I get started I just want to finish. I tend to be impatient when it comes to decorating, arts and crafts, as Graham calls it my “Get it done mode.” Although Bailey and Bauer tried to help, they were more of a hindrance. They did end up with couple blue spots on their white fur and nose prints along the baseboards, but that made painting that much more memorable. We should also thank the Boilermakers for playing their football game in South Bend and the Colt’s for taking that Sunday off so we were able to paint. We took advantage of the unseasonably warm fall weather and we were able to get all of the painting done in one weekend. The crib and bookcase have been put together and the assembly required no power tools. With much help from my dad, we added shelves and another closet rod in the baby’s walk-in closet to make the room more organized and functional. Now that Graham knows what he is doing with the shelving I think he is planning to update our closet. The curtains have been hung, the bedding is in the crib and we are slowly adding the finishing touches.
Graham and Jackie Update
Graham has been very busy with work and when we aren’t engaged in baby preparations he is enjoying one of his favorite pastimes… FOOTBALL. Graham and I have made it to almost every Purdue home game this year. I have been finishing up the project I am currently working on for work and taking advantage of having a flexible schedule to get the house ready for the baby. It seems like we have been on the go since early summer, which I can’t complain since we have been indulging in hobbies, traveling and spending time doing things that I am sure will become much more difficult once Baby Peelle arrives. Now that the holidays are quickly approaching and I have Christmas shopping done we can sit back and enjoy this time together as a couple before baby makes three.
Now that they initial blog has been started I will update as needed to keep you all posted.

1 comment:

mom said...

Loved your blog! What a great idea to keep us updated and the pictures were cute, too. Can't wait for the next installment. Love, Mom